My Bird Buddy smart bird feeder arrived a few weeks ago and I was excited to install and fill it along with my other feeders.

It took about ten days for the birds to start regularly returning to my yard. A few more days after that, I had my first brave visitor to the new feeder!
The first visitor
A cute notification popped up on my phone alerting me of a postcard from a new feathered friend.

Since this first sighting a week ago, the diversity of birds in my barebones yard has increased. Aside from the House Sparrows, I’ve spotted Inca Doves, White-winged Doves, House Finches, and Great-tailed Grackles lurking in the yard.
Yearning for a busier day…
I’m yearning for times like earlier this year when I had Couch’s Kingbirds, Northern Cardinals, Blue Jays, and Mourning Doves.
eBird has been a fun way to track the sightings in my yard. From that vantage point, I’ve seen many flyovers such as Crested Caracaras, Great Egrets, Black-bellied Whistling Ducks, and vultures.
Nature’s best cleaner
Speaking of vultures, there was a poor possum roadkill next to my house. I drove past it on the way to work, and by that afternoon I received a video from my husband of Black Vultures picking away at it and dragging it to the side.